Manic Monday

My next post was supposed to be about the surplus of pictures I have accumulated since becoming a mom and fun ways to display them, but today happened instead. To be frank nothing out of the ordinary happened today to make it a hard day, but I think it’s important to be as authentic as possible. I, for one, am tired of the overly curated blogs only showing the best moments of motherhood. To me that does a disservice to mothers looking for support because it’s just not how it is 24/7.

A couple of weeks ago I made the very foolish mistake of saying (out loud!) how great my children had been sleeping at night. I said it almost in awe because getting both of them to that point was not easy. Silly me. The last week has been pretty bad with both girls getting up multiple times per night. We still use pacifiers in my home so usually they wake up because they’ve lost their binky and it’s a quick fix and we are all back to sleep. Last night though my oldest, who turns 3 at the end of month, just was not into sleeping. She woke up several times whining, and my husband and I alternated getting up checking to see if she had a fever, did she have to go to the bathroom, etc. After the fourth time and there literally seemed to be absolutely nothing wrong, I told her that was it and she needed to try to sleep. That seemed to work…ish.

Starting the day with a lack of sleep was not ideal and from there it seemed to go downhill. My husband works a 24 hour shift so on days he works he leave before 6am, which leaves me to get the girls and I ready for work and daycare, drop them off and then head to work. We were running late, it was literally -3 outside and just a cluster getting out the door and into the car. I dropped them off, there was an accident on the highway, and I had to reroute to get to work on time. Again little things but by the time I got to work I was exhausted and it was only 7:30 in the morning!

After a long day at work, I began the commute to pick up the girls from daycare and of course it started snowing so the drive was super slow. Recently my oldest daughter moved to the next room at daycare and there was still one teacher I hadn’t met yet. Well today I met her. There were some awkward comments about my daughter which had it been a different day I may have brushed off, but today it irritated me to no end.

Some days are long, and some days just suck. There doesn’t have to be a huge event to feel like it’s a trying day, and I think when it happens it helps to talk about it. Having one friend or family member to vent to is what helps me deal with my feelings and move on. I always wonder if the other moms who put out the perfect image really feel that way or if they are just really good at pretending. Either way that’s not me.

The day wasn’t a total loss, there were some great snuggles from both girls (perks to being the only parent home) and I let my oldest know right before bed that she is the sweetest and funniest little girl I know.

…is it Friday yet? 🙂 Find me on instagram @thestrugglingworkinmama and let me know your thoughts! I’d love to hear from you!