Mom jewelry

Some people are shoe people, some people are purse people, and some people – like me – are drawn to jewelry. I credit my grandmother with passing on this obsession to me, I remember being little and noticing the many rings and necklaces she wore whenever I would see her. When I became a mom I was super excited about finding a “mom” piece. Working full time I spend a lot of time away from my kids and I wanted a piece with their initials/names/birth stones that would remind me of them. For me I knew I wanted a ring or a bracelet and started my search there.

Here’s a few pieces I found that I love:

  • This Sarah Chloe bangle is classy and timeless. At $129 it’s still affordable and for me when I buy something in that price range I want it to be a piece I can wear every day and this totally is! I love how you can personalize it with full names or initials, whichever you choose!
  • If I was looking for a necklace this Nashelle necklace would have been it! It’s dainty and a little different in the heart shape. Add your child’s initial and your set!
  • Another necklace option is this Hot Mix Cold Parent Baby Bird Necklace. It’s the most affordable at $32 and definitely most unique of the bunch. I received this as a gift from a family member after my first daughter was born and I thought it was a very thoughtful gift.

Ultimately I decided on this Sarah Chloe Ring, pictured at the top of this post. I dropped quite a few “hints” before Mother’s Day last year and was thrilled when I received it. 🙂

No matter what your price point there are a variety of pieces that showcase the love for your child(ren).

What are some of your favorite pieces? I’m always looking for something new! Hope you are enjoying your week! Find me on instagram @ourdaysinthechi