Binky fairy

With my oldest, I’ve successfully weaned her from boob and bottle, transitioned her to a big girl bed and potty trained. Nothing scares me more though than taking away her binky. She is very low maintenance and adapts to change better than most people I know (adults included!) but ever since she was little the binky has been a great source of comfort. Currently she only has her binky when she’s sleeping and in the car but thought of permanently taking it away makes me very nervous.

I’m not sure how we are going to survive this but here’s our plan:

  • TALK ABOUT IT: We have been talking to Olivia about the changes coming with the binky for awhile. We want her super aware of what’s happening so she’s not caught off guard.
  • DO YOUR RESEARCH: We decided we were going the binky fairy route, Olivia will put all her binkys in a box and leave it by her door before she goes to bed, when she wakes up the binky fairy will have come and taken the binkys and left her a present. I’ve read plenty of options though, another idea is to take the child to Build-a-Bear or something similar and have them actually stuff the animal with the binky. There’s plenty of different ideas, you have to choose what’s best for your child.
  • FOLLOW THROUGH: So…we aren’t here yet, obviously, but there have been times lately where she has wanted her binky and she’s not napping or in the car. It’s been hard but we’ve dealt with her being upset and not giving in. Consistency is super important just like with anything.

How have you taken away your child’s binky?

It was an exciting week for us both girls had pictures reposted on instafeeds (@marianosmarket & @thiskidclothingco). I truly appreciate all the support!

Hope it’s a great week!