Time away

This past weekend my husband and I drove to Milwaukee for their annual Summerfest. The fest is right off of Lake Michigan and a huge outdoor area with food, music and great views of the city and lake. They have a range of music, from free shows to huge headliners like Florida Georgia Line, who we were lucky enough to see. While Milwaukee is about an hour and a half away from us and we were only going for the afternoon/night coordinating the weekend was a huge ordeal. Time away from our kids doesn’t happen often but it’s definitely important for our marriage. I really believe in family time but it’s easy to lose sight of marriage time with busy working lives and two young children.

Here’s some tips on making the most of your time away:

  • Be honest with yourself: While I would love a weeklong getaway with my husband, even if I could arrange childcare for that long, I know that two days in I would be ready to come home to be with my kids. Even if they are happy and safe I just would not enjoy myself being away from them for that period of time. True story – the longest I’ve ever been away is for a 2.5 day Vegas trip for my 30th birthday. By the second day I was calling the airline to see how much it would cost to switch our flights to come home earlier. For me personally an overnight is all I need. For others a couple days is needed to recharge. Just don’t over or under plan your getaway and end up unhappy!
  • Enjoy being kid free: Do things you wouldn’t normally be able to do with kids. When I’m out without my children I insist on making my husband sit at the bar. Highchair freedom! There’s something so liberating about just being able to walk up and sit down and not wait for the perfect table to accommodate two toddlers. Summerfest is another great example, with the kids I would be worried about the crowds, making sure I applied enough sunscreen, or navigating the stroller without hitting anyone, without kids I was able to just be present in the moment.
  • Plan your time: I am one of those people who has trouble relaxing so for me when I’m without my kids I have to plan my time well, otherwise I start thinking about how much I miss them. So a beach getaway for a couple of days probably wouldn’t be the best idea for me, since there would be a lot of downtime. Make sure you consider what type of environment you would be most comfortable in. To each their own!

Planning these mini trips with your significant other can be overwhelming, but like I said before, they really are super important. Even if you can’t get away overnight just having dinner together and getting to have full, uninterrupted conversations is a great way to reconnect.

What’s been your favorite getaway you’ve taken with your significant other?