I’m back!

After a month long unexpected hiatus, I’m back! I didn’t plan on taking a break it just kind of happened. I could blame the increased activity of summer or some unexpected YOLO excursions but if I’m being honest, I just didn’t feel the urge to write. Rather than post a few filler posts, I decided to take some time away.

This entire blog/social media account gig has been very eye-opening. I had no idea how hard it was to grow followers/subscribers. I literally thought you just started posting and blogging and posts would “hit” and things would happen. Maybe that’s true for some but I have really had to put in a lot of effort to manage these pages and at times I wondered why I was doing it. I started thinking about why I started all of this and remembered that it was because I wanted to connect with other moms, and guess what, that has happened! I’ve found out so many different tips and tricks because of this page and hopefully I’ve shared something you didn’t know in a comment or DM or at least brightened your day by complimenting you on a post. When I think of what I accomplished in those terms, rather than the number of followers or the ability to make money, it makes me happy.

I’ve also spent this time thinking about the direction of this page. Originally I had wanted it to be about being mom, but then I realized that it would center around my children and not myself. Now I feel the page shifting a bit to being more about me as a whole, which includes being a mom but also my life in general. Honestly I’m still not that comfortable sharing everything about my kids so I don’t think it can be the true focus without comprising how I feel.

Well that’s it for now, I hope you continue to follow along. Find me on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram @thestrugglingworkinmama! Also, remember you can subscribe to the blog and receive an email notification every time a new post is published. 🙂 Come on, you know you want to!