DIY Bookcase

Happy 2019! One of my hopes for the year is to get back in the routine of reading to the girls before bed. I think part of the reason was like most, we are constantly running out of space and places to store things so in an effort to keep the house organized I feel like everything has to have home. We don’t have a bookcase which then led the books to being stored in an organizational unit, and forgotten about.

I have been hunting for a book display or shelving for the girls for awhile. Unfortunately everything I have found has either been very expensive or to be honest, cheap looking. I knew I didn’t want to invest in a piece, the girls rooms will change, that’s a given, so I started looking for basic pieces I could fancy up, because let’s face it I’m a little extra. 🙂 That’s how I found this Ikea book display for $20 and with a little love and about $10 extra turned them into useable works of art, or at least that’s what I think!


  • Ikea Book Display
  • Paint – I used left over acrylic paint from another project
  • Paint brush – I had some from a previous project
  • Contact Paper – I had bought some for a previous project that I never used, totally forgot about and finally remembered! #momlife
Pieces as they came from the box
Bottom of display from box

Step 1: Set up working area and take all pieces out of the box. Put blue base board in a safe place and begin painting all wood pieces. Do not assemble first, paint them as they are out of the box. Let dry and paint second coat if needed.

One coat of paint, depending on the paint (and your eyesight!) may take several coats

Step 2: Cover the blue piece in contact paper of your choosing. I had leftover pink glitter paper that worked great!

Love the sparkle! Clearly taken before I did final touchups!

Step 3: Assemble the book display per the instructions.

Step 4: Complete any final paint touchups and you’re done!

Final product!

What are your thoughts? I honestly love it and am glad I didn’t do shelving, this way if it needs to be moved from room to room, it’s super easy! I have one more to make, I bought one for each of the girls, what colors should I do this time?