Morning rush – How we leave the house on time

One of the hardest and most overwhelming things about having kids is getting out of the house. I have a set working schedule and need to be in the office at the same time everyday but having to be anywhere at a certain time and factoring in children can be challenging. Most mornings it’s just me and the girls due to my husband’s work schedule, which adds another layer of complexity. Here are a few tips on what I’ve found works to get to daycare/work in the morning, but these can easily be applied to any situation where you have to be somewhere on time.

Know what you need for the outing

The amount of bags I bring into daycare each Monday is insane, especially in winter. Right now I’m schlepping in a bag for each kid that has their blanket for nap time, extra shoes to change into from their boots and their heavy winter jacket in case it’s warm enough to go outside. Plus any extra change of clothes from a spill or accident the day before. I pack everything up and put it in the car Sunday night so I don’t have to worry about forgetting it in the morning or carrying it out. I love the huge plastic tote bags from TJ Maxx or HomeGoods to transport all of their stuff.

My work bag is a little harder. Since I have my computer and other perishable items I can’t put it in the car until the morning of. I try to make sure everything I can put in early is in the night before.

Figure out a routine

I’ve got our morning routine down to a science. I take a shower at night to save time and in the morning wake up an hour before we have to leave. My hair is naturally wavy, so I take a curling wand and curl a couple of pieces around my face to make it look more “done.” Then I wake up the kids one at a time. I go to the bathroom with them and brush teeth and then get them completely dressed, shoes and all. When one is finished I set them up in our living room, let them watch a little tv and get the other one up and ready. When they are both done I get dressed and put makeup on. We do a last minute potty break, I pack up my lunch and we get coats on to leave.

Be Realistic

I plan the best I can to make sure we leave the house on time but I also know that things happen. A tantrum or poop blow out can change everything in the morning. I also try to figure out what they and I will be wearing as I’m doing my hair. I do laundry constantly so as many clothes as possible are clean so they have options. We are getting into the stage where if they don’t like what they are wearing it can impact the entire morning. With me I keep it simple, my makeup routine is about 5 minutes long and I don’t try anything new, unless I’ve practiced before!

I think the most important part is trying to establish a routine so the kids know what to expect. I feel the more I try to rush them or change things up the longer it takes for us to get ready in the morning.

What are your tips for leaving the house on time?