So it’s been a minute since I’ve written a post, seems like every time I sit down to do it something distracts me or like today the pictures wouldn’t upload so it took forever. Anyways I was inspired by @herhappyhome instagram page to make these ornaments. Mine are slightly different, but that’s what I love about them, you can put your own spin on them!

- Wooden discs – I found mine at the craft store in a bag of assorted sizes
- Paint for the base of the ornament – I chose black
- Paint for the design on the ornament – I chose to use a paint marker
- Ribbon to hang the ornament
- Paint brush
- Glue gone or tool to drill a hole in the ornament
- Optional – Stencil
- Chose your wooden disc and paint the base color in a circular motion not going all the way to the edge of the disc.
- Let dry.
- Use the paint marker to create your design. I tried to use a stencil but it ended up bleeding through and not holding the design. Instead I drew the design of the snowflake while looking at the stencil for direction. Other ideas would be to write a holiday greeting, draw a snowman, star or any other holiday related item!
- Create a hole in the top center and string your ribbon through or use a glue gun to attach the ribbon to the back.
That’s it! Easy peasy! If you make these ornaments feel free to tag me @ourdaysinthechi on instagram so I can see your creation!