Sunday Favorites – Dec 29

Happy Sunday! It is Sunday, right? With all the celebrating this past week and being off work it’s hard to know! Here are some of my favorite things from this week…

My oldest is in preschool and twice a year they do evaluations on how they are progressing for their age group. It was brought to our attention she doesn’t know her full address and it this point she should or we should be working towards it. I started googling ways to help teach her it and found these ideas from The song suggestion is working best for us, we usually sing it whenever we have time, which is usually in the bathroom. 🙂

We received this as a gift from my in laws for Christmas and it has provided a ton of entertainment for the girls. They’ve spent hours coloring it on multiple occasion and loved that you can put it together as a castle. They have a ton of different themes, not just Frozen. It looks very low impact but it is a solid activity that keeps them occupied for hours.

I mentioned I’ve been off all week and it’s been a bit of a struggle each day not to make sure I’m doing ALL of the things. I’m trying to work on relaxing and being ok with slow morning and not completing a checklist of items each day. Rather just focusing on what the girls want to do or play with.

That’s it for this week! I’m excited for a few more days off this week before returning to week. Happy early new year!