Sunday Favorites – Jan 5

Happy Sunday! Week 3! I’m proud of myself for getting this far. 🙂 To be honest I had forgot about posting until a few hours ago (today is actually Saturday), so I’ve been going through my photos and screenshots to figure out what I wanted to include in this week’s post. Here are my favorites for this week…

I know, I know aren’t the holidays over? But I forgot to include this last week and this picture doesn’t even do the tree justice. I’m sad I didn’t get a better one while it was still up. So let’s back up real quick. If you follow me on instagram (ourdaysinthechi), you know that we started off the holiday season with a real tree. About 10 days before Christmas the tree completely fell apart. I’m talking droopy branches, ornaments falling off, it was sad. Afraid to get burned again we decided to look for an artificial tree. I didn’t want to spend more than $100 and after looking at all of the major stores (Amazon, Walmart, Target) this tree came up the winner. Just check out the reviews. It’s showing out of stock right now but definitely set an alert to be notified when it comes back in stock.

On New Year’s Eve we were looking for something kid friendly to do and decided to attend the NOON year party at the Chicago Children’s Museum. We had a blast kicking off the new year at 12pm with a dance party and confetti explosion! It was my second time there with the girls in the last year and I can’t tell you how much there is to do there! So many different exhibits, a water room, the cloud – a climbing exhibit, a fire safety exhibit, just to name a few. It is also located at Navy Pier so lots to walk around and see as you walk to the museum. The winter days are long and dreary in Chicago and I love being able to go to a place and spend a few hours there and be entertained the whole time.

It’s January, the month of organization! 🙂 While I have a calendar on my phone I still very much prefer to write everything down. That with that fact that I’d like my husband to be more aware of the activities going on each month is what led me to purchase this calendar dry erase board. January is a little light schedule wise but I know the upcoming months will be busy and I’m excited to use this calendar each month to keep track of everything.

Well that’s it for this week. I’d love to know if you are finding these posts helpful. Drop me a comment and let me know! :