Hi! It’s been awhile since I’ve posted, with a new baby and starting e-learning there has been a lot going on! In today’s post I want to share how we transformed a portion of our basement into an e-learning space for my daughter.
When we got the news we would be e-learning this fall I immediately started thinking about where she would be able to do her work. We have limited space in our home and the only spot I could think to set up space was our basement laundry room. At first I thought we would need to buy her a desk and began to panic because they were sold out everywhere. But then I stopped and looked around and realized we had a built in space on the wall with a shelf that would be a perfect size desk for her. Problem solved! Next we got cleaning. This area had become a dumping ground and honestly it was a blessing in disguise to be forced to go through everything and purge what we didn’t need. In order to brighten up the space I decided to create a mural on one side. I settled on a rainbow inspired design, honestly because I thought it would be the easiest to create with tape as a guide. 🙂

After I settled on the design, I picked the paint colors. I knew the background would be gray, and honestly I picked that because it was a good neutral and we had some leftover from another project. Next I picked the paint for the mural. I wanted it fun and bright. Since the amount of paint I needed for the project was so small I was able to buy sample sizes of each one to keep the cost down.

After the gray was complete, I used painters tape to create the lines for the mural section. These were a helpful guide to follow when painting the other colors. I ended up just using a larger side brush to edge the middle, I found that easier than re-taping it.

And that’s it! I’m really pleased with the result and so is my daughter. When I return from maternity leave I’ll also be moving my desk back here so we can work alongside each other. This time is not what we expected it to be but we are doing what we can to make the best of it! Any questions? Feel free to leave a comment or send me a message!