Daycare series – Summer camp

I remember the first time I received a note home from daycare about “summer camp.” At first I thought it was a cute idea, to change the schedule up a bit in the summer and have camp activities, then I saw the extra cost on top of tuition and got a bit weak. In addition to cost, it means extra clothes at daycare for your child to participate fully. After scrambling to find what I needed that first year, I’ve rounded up five essential items to purchase so you’re child can enjoy the activities and you can feel comfortable they are safe and protected outside!

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The quest for the perfect iced coffee

Like most Moms I run on coffee, hot, cold or lukewarm it doesn’t matter the kind or the time, give it to me. A few months ago I started to notice how much money I was spending on this habit. It seemed like I was always having to reload money on my app. I sat down and calculated  that I was spending close to $10 per day on coffee, which meant about $300 per month! Yikes! I decided that I would still treat myself to my afternoon coffee at my brewer of choice, however I was going to start bring my coffee to work in the morning. Baby steps, this is an addiction! 🙂 All was well until the weather started to get warmer and I wanted an iced coffee in the morning, thus began my quest for the perfect at home recipe!

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