Winter Toddler Birthdays

Happy March! If you have been following along on instagram you may have seen my oldest recently turned 4! I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by! We are not at the point where we are hosting birthday parties for her friends yet (sigh of relief!) but we do like to do something special as a family for the girls for their birthdays. When you have a child born in the winter you need to get a little creative when it comes to family activities! Here are a couple of things we have done in the past – at a variety of price points! While I’m linking to local spots near me I’m sure these will provide plenty ideas of similar places near you!

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5 minute face

Whether you have kids or not everyone’s busy. Mornings are pretty chaotic around here and the minutes I have to make myself look presentable always seem to get shortened. I’ve gotten my make up routine down to 5 minutes and here’s how.

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Valentine’s Day treat bags

Holidays at daycare are tricky, it’s either a nut-free food option or non food items. The past few years I’ve gone with non food items but since most Moms shop at the same stores, the girls received multiples of the same thing. This year I planned ahead and hopped on Pinterest for ideas. That’s how I found these super cute love bugs! These are adapted from the many different variations I’ve found and I thought I would create a step by step on how to make them since I couldn’t find one!

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Morning rush – How we leave the house on time

One of the hardest and most overwhelming things about having kids is getting out of the house. I have a set working schedule and need to be in the office at the same time everyday but having to be anywhere at a certain time and factoring in children can be challenging. Most mornings it’s just me and the girls due to my husband’s work schedule, which adds another layer of complexity. Here are a few tips on what I’ve found works to get to daycare/work in the morning, but these can easily be applied to any situation where you have to be somewhere on time.

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DIY Bookcase

Happy 2019! One of my hopes for the year is to get back in the routine of reading to the girls before bed. I think part of the reason was like most, we are constantly running out of space and places to store things so in an effort to keep the house organized I feel like everything has to have home. We don’t have a bookcase which then led the books to being stored in an organizational unit, and forgotten about.

I have been hunting for a book display or shelving for the girls for awhile. Unfortunately everything I have found has either been very expensive or to be honest, cheap looking. I knew I didn’t want to invest in a piece, the girls rooms will change, that’s a given, so I started looking for basic pieces I could fancy up, because let’s face it I’m a little extra. 🙂 That’s how I found this Ikea book display for $20 and with a little love and about $10 extra turned them into useable works of art, or at least that’s what I think!

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2018 Reflections

2018 is coming to a close and it’s got me feeling all types of ways. There were many accomplishments in 2018 – this blog, starting my MBA program, the way my children have grown – but also a few setbacks as well. See, I started 2018 with an idea in mind of how it would go. I did everything I could to achieve what I wanted – both personally and professionally – and try as I might…it didn’t happen.

It’s been a hard pill to swallow not achieving those goals, most days I’m ok but some days I know I’ve been difficult to live with, work with or even tolerate. That’s why for 2019 my goal is to live more freely. Take chances without obsessing about the impact of those decisions five steps later. I left 2018 completely open thinking my plans would come true, and you know what happened? I missed out on a lot of different opportunities and experiences.

So…2019 is an open book. I’ve got hopes, I’ve got goals, I’ve got intentions but at the end of the day, what happens is what happens.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2019 and from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for your support.

DIY Ornaments

Every year the girls and I make ornaments. Usually we use model clay and press a handprint or footprint into the ornament but to my surprise this year, the ornament would have had to have been pretty large to capture their full print! It caught me off guard and is just another reminder how fast they are growing.

Once I collected myself I scrambled to figure out what to make and remembered I had a few holiday cookie cutters. Voila! 

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What you need most as a new mom

We all know there’s no handbook on being a mom, but sometimes I wish there was. Having my first child was very overwhelming and I constantly felt like I was failing. Trying to navigate through picking the best products, establishing routine and going back to work were tough transitions and I felt like I didn’t have the knowledge others had to get through it. Then I found a mom group on social media.

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Second birthday!

My youngest daughter turns two at the end of the month, and I’ve been scratching my head trying to figure out how to celebrate. In our family we go all out for the first birthday and then are pretty low key after that. We still celebrate with close family, but it’s not the huge blow out party. It’s good and bad, less worry of planning a perfect party, but more pressure to find the right gift! Yes, I am well aware she will most likely not remember these birthdays or the gifts but I will. Growing up I always had what I needed, but there wasn’t a lot of extra. No matter what though, my parents made my birthdays extra special.

I took the time to round up a list of my top birthday gifts for toddlers! Even if you don’t have kids, you probably have a toddler in your life!

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