Holiday Gift Guide – Gifts for Her

1. Madewell Coat 2. Initial necklace 3. Coffee Mug 4. Babyliss Blow Dryer 5. Lounge Set Top Pants 6. Trinket Box

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Hello! By now I’m sure you have been inundated with gift guides and I honestly wasn’t sure if I was going to make any, but here we are. All of mine will be under 10 items, I really only wanted to include items that I own and love or plan to purchase, I didn’t just want to fill a guide with stuff. So here we go!

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DIY Holiday Card Photos

Hi! Happy post Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoyed the holiday. Let’s talk about holiday cards, shall we? The hardest part for me is finding the right picture to include on the card. Over the years I’ve used both professional pictures and pictures I’ve taken myself. This year I decided not to use professional photos and that I would take the picture for the card myself. In this post I’m sharing a few tips on how to make this process easier and get the best shot!

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DIY Snowflake Ornaments

So it’s been a minute since I’ve written a post, seems like every time I sit down to do it something distracts me or like today the pictures wouldn’t upload so it took forever. Anyways I was inspired by @herhappyhome instagram page to make these ornaments. Mine are slightly different, but that’s what I love about them, you can put your own spin on them!

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