Not too long ago, a little over a month ago let’s say, I used to love working from home. I have a traditional corporate job and would spend four days in the office and work from home one day a week. I would drop the kids at daycare, pick myself up a coffee and knock out a bunch of work the rest of the morning. At lunchtime I’d go for a run or do an at home workout and take my one uninterrupted shower of the week. I’d finish working in the afternoon and spend the time my commute normally would take me picking up the house. The house was silent the entire day and it was glorious. Fast forward to the recent weeks where I am working from home full time and caring for children full time. It’s hard AF. I’m here to share some tips that I’ve learned these past few weeks as it looks like there may be quite a number more that we will continue in this way. I am by no means “winning” at this – just surviving…which leads me into my first tip.
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