Reindeer Cookies

Hello! We are just 11 days out until Christmas Day! This week I was watching Chicago Parent’s (@chicagoparent) instagram stories and they were featuring Sweet Mandy Bs (@sweetmandybs). It was a step by step demo on how to make reindeer cupcakes. My family is not big on cupcakes so I took the inspiration from their demo and decided to make reindeer cookies. They turned out super cute and overall I’m very pleased with them! Instructions below!

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DIY Holiday Card Photos

Hi! Happy post Thanksgiving! Hope you enjoyed the holiday. Let’s talk about holiday cards, shall we? The hardest part for me is finding the right picture to include on the card. Over the years I’ve used both professional pictures and pictures I’ve taken myself. This year I decided not to use professional photos and that I would take the picture for the card myself. In this post I’m sharing a few tips on how to make this process easier and get the best shot!

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DIY Snowflake Ornaments

So it’s been a minute since I’ve written a post, seems like every time I sit down to do it something distracts me or like today the pictures wouldn’t upload so it took forever. Anyways I was inspired by @herhappyhome instagram page to make these ornaments. Mine are slightly different, but that’s what I love about them, you can put your own spin on them!

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DIY Bookcase

Happy 2019! One of my hopes for the year is to get back in the routine of reading to the girls before bed. I think part of the reason was like most, we are constantly running out of space and places to store things so in an effort to keep the house organized I feel like everything has to have home. We don’t have a bookcase which then led the books to being stored in an organizational unit, and forgotten about.

I have been hunting for a book display or shelving for the girls for awhile. Unfortunately everything I have found has either been very expensive or to be honest, cheap looking. I knew I didn’t want to invest in a piece, the girls rooms will change, that’s a given, so I started looking for basic pieces I could fancy up, because let’s face it I’m a little extra. 🙂 That’s how I found this Ikea book display for $20 and with a little love and about $10 extra turned them into useable works of art, or at least that’s what I think!

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The quest for the perfect iced coffee

Like most Moms I run on coffee, hot, cold or lukewarm it doesn’t matter the kind or the time, give it to me. A few months ago I started to notice how much money I was spending on this habit. It seemed like I was always having to reload money on my app. I sat down and calculated  that I was spending close to $10 per day on coffee, which meant about $300 per month! Yikes! I decided that I would still treat myself to my afternoon coffee at my brewer of choice, however I was going to start bring my coffee to work in the morning. Baby steps, this is an addiction! 🙂 All was well until the weather started to get warmer and I wanted an iced coffee in the morning, thus began my quest for the perfect at home recipe!

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