Nordstrom Anniversary Sale Top Pics

This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you purchase through these links.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock or just been off social media the past few days you probably know that the Nordstrom Anniversary sale is kicking off soon, depending one when you have access. I’ve shopped the sale in the past but to be honest, generally only by 1-2 items, I don’t do any sort of a big haul. This year I am posting simply what has caught my eye. In terms of what I’m buying, I know for sure I’m purchasing one of the items for my daughter’s birthday, but the rest…not sure yet. I enjoy looking at sales and seeing how low of a price I can get something for, so it’s fun for me to go through sales like this. Most of the time though, I just end up filling up my cart and stopping there. 🙂

My advice?

Stick to brands you know and are more on the high quality side. Unless I’m familiar with a brand or know the quality of it, I don’t usually try anything new during these type of sales.

Compare sale and after sale prices and calculate what you are truly saving. For some items, it’s less than $10.

Do your research. Check around before you buy to see if you can find the same item at a different store for a lower cost.

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Skin Care For Newbies

This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you purchase items through these links.

I’ve mentioned before that I love makeup but I’m not the best at taking care of my skin. I try a lot of products but don’t seem to stick with anything. Part of the problem is not knowing enough about skincare products to know what they do (or are supposed to do!). With makeup you instantly know if a color is going to work, or if a product will last all day. With skincare do you ever know if it’s really working? In the beginning of the year my skin was super dry and dull and while I thought it could be pregnancy or the winter months, I also felt it might be my skin changing as I got older. I’ve really been interested in finding a skincare routine and finally felt the push to start doing some research.

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Sunday Favorites – Dec 22

Hi! I was trying to think of how I’d like to expand my blog in the new year and Sunday Favorites was something that came to mind. Each week I’m planning to share things that are inspiring me, making my life easier or that I just happen to like. One week it might be five things, the next maybe only one. It could be a product, an Instagram account, really anything!

This is also a way to hold myself accountable to posting once a week, because my blog was really the reason I started my Instagram page and I don’t want to lose sight of that! I could have waited until the end of the year but wanted to get started now! As of right now I don’t have any affiliate links, so these will be my genuine thoughts. If that changes I’ll be sure to disclaim it.

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Morning rush – How we leave the house on time

One of the hardest and most overwhelming things about having kids is getting out of the house. I have a set working schedule and need to be in the office at the same time everyday but having to be anywhere at a certain time and factoring in children can be challenging. Most mornings it’s just me and the girls due to my husband’s work schedule, which adds another layer of complexity. Here are a few tips on what I’ve found works to get to daycare/work in the morning, but these can easily be applied to any situation where you have to be somewhere on time.

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